Friday 23 March 2012

Week 23 Contents Page Re-Draft

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Rap music magazine can be sold at, music venues, Rap festivals (Summer Jam), corner stops, WHSmith and supermarkets (Asda). This is because the target audience attend Rap concerts and go to supermarkets and corner stores to purchase the products. They are displayed on the middle rows of the shelves with other music magazines so they can stand out to the buyers of any type of genre they want to purchase. Rap has a variety of places where they are sold but they are less likely to be sold in high class supermarkets like ‘Waitrose’ because the target audience is middle class which may not shop there. If the product has a website then subscriptions play a big part in sales because the buyers are more likely to want subscribe to the magazine so the monthly issues are sent to their houses instead of going out and looking for the magazine to buy from a certain store. Overall Rap magazines have a variety of stores for purchase but are limited to the supermarkets they are sold in because of the social class, ‘High Class’ will not stock the magazines whereas ‘Middle class’ supermarkets will stock the magazine to be sold.

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?
The target audience of my media product is targeted mainly at a male audience ages varying from 17-28 years old. I identified this audience mainly because the products I researched aimed at a young audience and an older audience by young & old artist used in their magazines. My target audience is addressed by the model artist because he’s young and upcoming which they would be interested in and his posture in the image is direct and serious.
Artist which
has been used
to appeal to the
older generation.

The artist which are used
so they can stand out to
the younger generation.

This is one of the images
I used on my contents

5. How did you attract/address your audience?
My first contents page that I designed did not appeal to my target audience because of the colours used and how the page was laid out because the colours did not connect and the page wasn’t organised properly. My re-drafted contents page attracts my target audience more because the colour used resemblance each other because of the solid colours used and the colour scheme has been used throughout the magazine. The layout of the contents page is more organised and there is no dead space on the page all aspects of the page have been covered. The audience will see themselves in my magazine of the images used because the artist on the page will resemble the target audience.

My first draft of my
contents page.

My final draft of
the contents page.

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