Friday 23 March 2012

Week 22 Front Cover Re-Draft

1. in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
From the start of my music magazine project to guide me through creating the media product I have used the professional product ‘XXL’ ( to help me create my front cover, contents and double page spread to make them look like a real media product which can be sold in stores. I’ve thoroughly researched the Rap genre so I can my media product stand out to my target audience, Rap magazines have showed me how to make my product appeal to buyers because of the solid colour schemes they have used throughout their magazine, also what features they regularly include. This research helped me to pick colours which go together so I could use this on my front cover and apply it to my other products. The features have carefully been chosen which were put on the front cover to attract the readers. I have challenged the generic conventions in respect of my product I researched by choosing three distinctive colours which will stand out to my target audience whereas my media product uses one solid colour throughout their whole product. Also the features and colours I’ve used have purposely been used so I can lure in my target audience to the product.

The Product I Done Research On.

My First Draft Of My Rap Magazine.

My Final Changes To My Magazine.

2. How does your media product represent a particular social group?
Before the re-draft of my front cover all the features on the cover where surrounded by male figures deliberately expressing that the target audience is predominantly men but in my re-draft I have taken a feature out and purposely added a feature that is based on a ‘Woman’ Rap artist to show that my magazine isn’t only representing men mostly like real media product which deeply focus on male artist. The main artist of the magazine expresses what time of audience the magazine is trying to attract. A young male audience from the ages of 17-28 years old, also my media product isn’t representing a particular ethnicity but isn’t representing a group of people who are particularly interested in listening to Rap music.
Where I added the female artist on
the front cover.

The artist that appeal to the target audience.

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