Thursday 15 March 2012

Week 20

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product develops some of the forms and conventions of a real media product because of the Rap magazine I researched which was ‘XXL’ I used that as a template to develop my own double page media product. The layout of the XXL magazine helped me design my own product with how to place the image and layout the text. The distinctive layout of my content is how I’ve place the two images on my double page spread this challenges the forms and conventions of a real media Rap magazine because they normally use one image that takes up the whole page whereas I’ve used two images. One image is above the text and the other image is on the next page with text over lapping the image.

This is my completed double page 
spread that I have designed. 

This is the
double page spread I used
to help me design own media product.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
In constructing this product Photoshop was only useful for me to use the Brighten/Contrast tool which made the main image on the double page spread to make the image lighter. Hardware has also helped me create this double page spread because I’ve used my flash drive to transfer images I’ve took from my laptop to the school system and also my interview I done for the double page which I started at home I could use my flash drive to bring into school and finish editing. InDesign gave me the opportunity to construct a good draft product because its helped me get familiar with the tools like swatches and strokes to improve the colours I chose for the background and banner titles. Which has helped me find a colour which will help me draw in the attention of my male audience becuase colours I have chosen are solid which have a connotation of being masculine.  

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Now my double page spread has been completed I can see a huge improvement from my preliminary task because the colour scheme I have chosen is consistent from the front page to the contents to the double page spread targeting my male audience. Also organising all the text and images is an improvement because the double page spread looks more sophisticated and looks like a real media product which can be sold in stores. 

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