Friday 9 March 2012

Week 16

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
While creating the media product I created a brand identity for my magazine so my media product could stand out to the target audience when they are looking for a Rap magazine to buy. The unique features of the contents page are the ‘colours, features, fonts, ect’ have been used to stand out to the readers. Because fonts I have are used are bold so the text is bold and the reader can see this and also colours I have chosen are not normally used in real media products solid colours are used whereas I’m using bright colours to attach my audience. I developed forms from real media products of how they set out their pages and laid it out in my own way of where the text went and how the images were laid out.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
During the creation of my contents page I didn’t have to use Photoshop much as all the images I took I didn’t need to change the background colour as I felt they were good enough. But on one image I used Photoshop by using the ‘Lasso tool, Crop tool & the brightness/contrast tool’. Since lasting using the Lasso tool on my other images for covers and preliminary tasks I have improved by using the feather tool to make the edges smooth. Also by setting the contrast of the photograph helped the image to look more professional like real media products. Using InDesign I have improved because all my text and images were together and there was empty spaces everywhere but on my music contents page everything is organised and in place.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back at my preliminary task and looking at my contents page I can see an improvement because my first content page on the preliminary task was basic everything was clamped together there was too many empty spaces on the page whereas my music contents page everything is organised and I didn’t rush it like I rushed my preliminary task. I’ve also learnt since creating my preliminary task what fonts to pick and what colour schemes to use so you can attach your target audience. Also I’ve learnt you need to fill in the dead spaces on your pages so there are no empty spaces and don’t give too much information but don’t give limited information.

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