Monday 12 March 2012

Week 18

1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I am designing my double page spread to develop the forms and conventions of a real media product because I was looking at examples of research I done on real media products like ‘XXL, Vibe & The Source’ and all of these Rap magazines have the same forms and conventions of how the layout their double page spread. So with my media product I wanted to develop the forms to make it stand out and familiar with my target audience. I made use of the research I found by developing the layout of the XXL magazine double page spread but I made one change to it by adding a second picture whereas the real media product only used one large image by me deciding to add an extra picture more space is taken up for writing the article but the pictures show the target audience who is the main topic of the double page spread. Also the way I have set out the text for the double page spread challenges but also develops real media products because normally all their text is just on one page all together whereas my text will be spread out between both pages with catchy fonts to grab the readers eye.

2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
I’m designing my media product to represent more of a male social class because that’s my main target audience. The dark colours I’ve used show this is mainly at men because women like more bright colours and the dark colours like black & red will attract the male audience and colours like black, blue & red which I will be using are more masculine colours. Butler J’s theory says to be masculine/feminine is sociological but I’m going against this theory as I believe only a male target audience will attracted to my media product. Also my artist will represent my social group because the photographs that are going to be use on the double page spread wouldn’t be used on a jazz magazine because you would see an artist with a trumpet or something but my artist for my media product would hold a microphone.

5. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?
The audience will be able to reflect on my media product because the way I’ve laid out my double page spread is calm and organised. It’s not rushed or messy the readers will be able to find everything without any fuss or searching so my media product will attract organised males who like to read about Rap music. The colours I am going to use on my double page spread are bold and solid so this will stand out to the reader because they are solid colours which make the text stand out more to the reader. Also the heading of the double page spread is bold so as soon as the audience see this they’ll know what it’s about and who it is about.

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