Tuesday 13 March 2012

Week 19

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I used ‘XXL’ magazine as my Rap magazine research and I found a double page spread that I liked but instead of developing the forms of the conventions of a real media products I challenged the forms & conventions to start creating my double page spread. The distinctive content of my double page genre is shown through the photographs of the leading artist and the text I will put in. Unlike the media product I found I will use two images on my double page spread to attract my target audience. By the formal language I’m going to use on my double page and information you’ll know my magazine is aimed at an older sophisticated male audience.

This is the double page spread I used as research to start creating my own media product.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Using Photoshop on the double page spread has been a limitation because the images I’m going to include on my double page spread do not need any editing because I felt the background of the images are good enough. But the Brighten/Contrast tool will be used on one of the images to make the picture lighter. InDesign has been an opportunity to use on this double page draft because I can fiddle around with the swatches and strokes tool for the texts and images so when I come to create my final design I will have the knowledge of what tools to use and how to lay out the final double page spread.

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Looking back at my preliminary task and looking at how I’m creating my double page spread I can see a huge improvement because when you look at my double page spread you will know the target audience which is males aged between 18-35 years old because of the ‘Bold’ text. Since using Photoshop for my images on my preliminary task I’ve improved in editing images and how I want the outcome to be. Using the ‘Align’ tool on InDesign has helped me improve to place my text whereas on my preliminary task I had texted scattered all over the page. Also on Photoshop the ‘Quick Selection’ tool has helped me improve my work because the edges are smoother. Also since my preliminary task my media product designs have improved so they represent a real media product before my music magazine my preliminary task looked like a poster whereas this media product is going to have the conventions of a real product with improved features.
This youtube clip helped me when changing the aspects of images.

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