Tuesday 24 January 2012

Week 14

1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
My media product challenge’s some of the forms and conventions of a real media product because the colour scheme I chose is not normally used in professional products. The colours I chose for my contents page are Red/White these colours are light and brighten up the page whereas professional Rap magazines normally use solid colours for the contents page but I wanted bright colours so it could appeal more to the target audience. Also I developed the forms and conventions of a real media product because the research I done on the content pages of real products I used one of the layouts and adjusted the layout to how I wanted and to how the target audience would notice it.

Professional products use solid colours
My media products uses a mix of two bright colours.

2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
My media product has been designed to represent a certain social group which are mature young Rap fans from the ages of 17-28 years old. To represent this social group I have used artist between the ages of my target audience so the fans can reflect themselves on the artist because the artist will cover certain issues in their songs some of the fans go through. Also to represent my social group in my media product I have picked one gender to appeal to which is males because this magazine doesn’t represent anything to do with women because of the features included on the contents page.

5. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?
Through my contents page I used different representations and different designs to appeal to my target audience. All the photographs on the Rap magazine contents page consist of four male. The gender representation of this magazine shows that this magazine is mainly being aimed to a male target audience. Also the features on the contents page for example ‘Free Rap City DVD’ this shows that the magazine is mainly for males because women wouldn’t want to buy a magazine which is fully aimed at males. The colours used on the contents page & front cover consist of the colour ‘Red & Black’ which are masculine dark colours. I used these colours to attract the male audience only. The language used on the contents page is formal this is because I’m appealing to a mature target audience rather than a lower age. My target audience will be able to reflect on my product and see themselves because the way I’ve laid out my contents page shows everything is organised like the mature age group I’m appealing too.

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