Saturday 7 January 2012

Week 11

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.    In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
The music magazine I am creating does not challenge the forms of conventions but uses the normal forms of conventions of a real media product. On this music front cover I am using the theory of gender representations. The theory is by Butler J, Butler said being male/female is biological but being feminine/masculine is sociological. On the front cover I’m going to demonstrate that gender stereotype’s play a part in the conventions of a Rap magazine because I’m using a male Rap artist on the front cover. The image I have in mind for the cover is the artist looking straight into the camera so that he will look confident, controlling and dominant. On the front cover unique selling points have been included so they can catch the readers eye and draw them into buying the magazine. Below is the picture of the Rap artist I am using for the front cover of my magazine. If I was to use a female Rap artist, to use and develop the conventions of a real media product the female would be in a sexy outfit or bikini looking seductively into the camera. This supports Mulvey’s theory of male gaze that women are just there to be watched by men. 

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Coming up to the creation of my front cover I have learnt a lot about the InDesign programme so I can put more detail into the design so my magazine can look like a professional product. My preliminary task creating a college magazine the feedback I received from peers and my teachers saying my cover looked a bit like a poster and the font was too childish. So with this magazine I’m going to put more effort into the colour schemes, font and positioning of text. I have developed new skills in using InDesign for example ‘Layers’. My previous task I didn't create different layers for my text, photographs, bar-codes and other items. Controlling the layers with this magazine will help me create a better and organised magazine. To help expand these skills I've watched tutorials on YouTube so I could be more capable and find it easy to find the way around InDesign so no time can be wasted in making my music magazine.

7.Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From creating the preliminary task and get ready to create my music magazine, I feel I've learnt more about the programmes features and how they work. Also I feel that I know how to mutilate images to bring in the target audience. Also I've learnt more about what colour schemes to use and more sophisticated fonts as the fonts I picked for my preliminary task looked childish

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