Sunday 4 December 2011

Week 10

1. In what ways are you designing your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I’m designing my media product to develop the forms of real media products because through my research I have found out that all rap music magazine aren’t any different from each other they just use different fonts and different colour schemes. But through my magazine I’m going to develop these forms and make it better through colour schemes I decide to use and what features I will use when designing the front cover. Also in some ways I will challenge the forms of real media products because normally rap magazines are aimed at a wide audience to men and women but my magazine will be more for the male audience.
One of the magazines that helped me develop the forms to design my own magazine.

 2. How are you designing your media product to represent particular social groups?
I’m designing my music magazine to stand out to a specific audience who enjoy listening to rap music but my magazine can also appeal to anyone who’s interested in listening to a new genre.  By the picture below of my unfinished front cover you can see straight away that I’m appealing to a ‘Rap’ audience because of the stance of the artist. Also my media product will only represent one social group which is male and this is the media theory of Butler, J (1990-1999) social construct that being male/female is biological & being masculine/feminine is sociological and my media product is for masculine males.

5. How are you attracting/addressing your audience?
I will attract my target audience by using pictures, features and articles that I’m including in my magazine. In the magazine I will use features that are based around ‘Rap’ to attract my target audience because that’s what appeals to them. Also the articles I include will attract the readers because it’s going to be on artists that are familiar to them and this would attract them so they can know more. Also by watching a video of Meek Mill & Rick Ross video I’ve taken from the video what my target audience would interested in and what to include in my magazine from the song.